Partnering with CHC can begin in one of two ways:


It’s simple. Skilled care in the home - with or without RPM - can be orderedby your doctor. Kind of like prescribing a medicine.

The prescription will include our contact information. Reach out to CHC, and we’ll have a reassuring, plain-English discussion about how the program works.

That’s when we walk you through the operational basics of the program to ensure that you are comfortable with how things work, and you are ready to begin your program with confidence.


If you or your loved one can benefit from Connected Home Care’s solutions – even without a prescription – just contact CHC directly.

Whether prescribed or self-selected, the benefits of are the same… as is the process of getting started. Contact CHC and we’ll have the same reassuring, plain-English discussion about how the program works.

Regardless of how an engagement starts, CHC drives towards the same positive experience and outcome.

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